Slade School Of Arts

Heating - New heating was installed to all 9nr. Art studios and to the existing areas at lower ground, ground and stair cores.LTHW was sourced using the existing building district heating infrastructure and extended to supply a new plate heat exchanger. Heating is provide via FCU's and radiators.
Ventilation - A new Swegon AHU was installed to supply, supply and extract air to Studio's, the AHU has a DX coil incorporated to supply cooling.
Domestic cold water - We provided new BCWS to supply new point of use water heater supplying utilities sinks and WC's
BMS controls systemA new BMS system was installed to integrate the AHU, heating controls, pumps and de-start fans, as well as operating the mechanical ventilation to the studios by CO2 and temperature control.

Project Duration: 24 weeks

Contract Value: £

We provided full design, installation and commissioning of the following:
· Controls & BMS
· hot water Heaters
· Heating distribution and emitters
· Domestic water services distribution systems
· Above ground sanitary and waste installations
· Mechanical ventilation
· Thermal insulation to mechanical services