Project: Victoria Point Blocks 3 & 4 

Duration: 24 weeks (currently in progress) 
Brief: Install 122 new bathrooms, all new above ground drainage, install new extract ventilation and new unvented hot water cylinders to all apartments. 
After successful completion of block 5 back in 2017 we were appointed to carry out the mechanical package at Block 3 & 4. We removed all plumbing to each apartment and installed new from the mains lever valve onwards, this included installing 60 x new unvented hot water cylinders. 
We installed 122 new bathroom suites to 60 apartments, this was not part of the initial tender, but we came to an agreement with the builder that combined we would be able to deliver a better-quality product for the same cost with a faster turnaround. The existing accommodation only had one bathroom, but the new refurb incorporated and additional en-suite and in some case two to each apartment which meant we needed to install new above ground drainage.